niftheartist-MY POINT OF VIEW....
Pertandingan Terbuka Johor 2011:
Ritma Johor memberi maksud yang sangat mendalam. Ritma atau irama memberi maksud urutan proses semulajadi yang berulang dalam sela masa yang tetap atau mengikut kiraan atau gerakan bunyi, tempo atau rentak dalam bunyi yang teratur. Namun bagi tema pertandingan ini Ritma Johor merujuk kepada rentak Johor yang menggambarkan imej khusus tentang keunikan atau motif yang menjadi lambang, simbol atau ikon yang merujuk kepada kehidupan, perilaku, aktiviti manusia yang penuh dengan budaya oleh masyarakat Johor dan persekitarannya merangkumi aspek pemikiran seperti pengetahuan, kepercayaan, kesenian, kebudayaan, undang-undang, ekonomi, sosial dan moral serta apa jua yang diwarisi dari dulu hingga kini menerusi sejarah dan budaya Malaysia yang kukuh, diterima pakai, diakui telah menjadi budaya dan imej negeri Johor yang harmoni dan gemilang. Tujuan pertandingan ini diadakan adalah untuk memberi peluang pengkarya menerokai serta mendalami elemen dan media seni lukis dan seni reka dengan lebih kreatif dan inovatif selain dapat memperlihatkan kepakaran, kekreatifan dan sensitiviti mereka dalam menghasilkan karya.
2.OBJEKTIF2.1 Mewujudkan hubungan antara Kerajaan Negeri Johor dengan penggiat seniatau pengkarya.
2.2 Melahirkan pengkarya-pengkarya bidang seni tampak dengan idea-idea yanglebih kreatif dan inovatif selain memasyurkan negeri Johor menerusi Seni Tampak
2.3 Mengumpul dan menambah koleksi khazanah seni yang tidak ternilai iniuntuk tatapan masyarakat akan datang melalui Yayasan Warisan Johor.
Terdiri daripada 2 kategori iaitu Karya Siap dan Karya Spontan
3.1 KATEGORI I (KARYA SIAP)3.1.1 ArcaArca yang dihasilkan hendaklah mengikut tema yang telah ditetapkan. Hasil karya boleh terdiri daripada indoor atau outdoor sculpture. Bagi karya indoor karya boleh dihasilkan dalam bentuk 2d atau 3d yang beratnya tidak melebihi 70kg dengan ketinggian tidak melebihi 6 kaki berdasarkan demensi yang bersesuaian dengan ruang galeri.
Bagi karya outdoor pula karya berkenaan hendaklah bersesuaian untuk diletakan di sekitar Galeri Seni Johor. (Sila rujuk pihak galeri untuk menentukan ruang bagi karya outdoor) Binaan arca tersebut mestilah menggunakan bahan yang kukuh, tahan lasak dan mudah alih.
Arca tersebut hendaklah mudah diuruskan dan dipamerkan. Karya yang bersifat 3-D dengan teknik yang menyukarkan pihak penganjur mempamerkan karya tersebut tidak dibenarkan dan akan ditolak penyertaannya.
Karya berbentuk instalasi dan melalui aplikasi computer tidak dibenarkan.
3.1.2 Catan/ CetakanKarya Catan/ Cetakan yang dihasilkan hendaklah mengikut tema yang telah ditetapkan dalam bentuk 2d dan karya tersebut hendaklah berukuran minima 120cm x 120cm dan tidak melebihi 240cm x 180cm sebelum dibingkaikan. Penggunaan bahan adalah bebas dan perlu dibingkaikan.
3.1.3 BatikRekaan batik yang dihasilkan hendaklah mengikut tema yang telah ditetapkan yang berukuran 4 meter panjang. Rekaan dalam setiap kategori haruslah berasaskan aplikasi kombinasi teknik-teknik batik, bahan dan penggunaan media batik. Penggunaan media campuran dibenarkan dalam menghasilkan karya namun hanya terhad kepada 60% penggunaan teknik batik dan 40% penggunaan bahan campuran lain.
3.2.1 Graffiti
Karya graffiti hendaklah dihasilkan berdasarkan tema yang telah ditetapkan dan berukuran tidak kurang 60 cm x 90 cm dalam masa 4 jam. Penggunaan media adalah bebas namun digalakkan menggunakan barangan terpakai. Segala keperluan hendaklah dibawa sendiri oleh peserta semasa pertandingan ini dijalankan pada 29 Oktober 2011 jam 8.30 pagi di Galeri Seni Johor.
1. Pertandingan ini terbuka kepada semua warganegara Malaysia yang berumur 13 tahun ke atas kecuali kakitangan Yayasan Warisan Johor.
2. Penyertaan perlu menggunakan borang penyertaan yang disediakan danhendaklah diisi dengan lengkap dan jelas serta ditampalkan di belakangsetiap karya. Setiap penyertaan hendaklah disertakan dengan butiran lengkap biodata pelukis dan salinan kad pengenalan.
3. Pengkarya boleh menghantar karya maksima 2 keping sahaja bagi setiap kategori. Namun karya yang tidak menepati syarat yang ditetapkan akan ditolak.
4. Karya perlu berserta dengan keterangan karya yang ditulis dalam BahasaMalaysia dan Bahasa Inggeris (sekurang-kurangnya 100 patah perkataan) dan ditampal di belakang karya. Karya yang tiada maklumat lengkap akan ditolak.
5. Karya hendaklah asli dan baru dihasilkan pada tahun 2011 dan belumpernah menyertai atau memenangi mana-mana pertandingan.
6. Pihak penganjur tidak akan bertanggungjawab ke atas apa-apa kos yangditanggung oleh peserta dan pihak penganjur juga tidak boleh dipertanggungjawabkan ke atas kecuaian, kehilangan, kerosakan, kelewatan atau dalam apa bentuk yang membawa kemusnahan hasil karya peserta.
7. Karya-karya yang menerima hadiah major , minor dan saguhati akanmenjadi hak milik Yayasan Warisan Johor dan kami berhak mencetak atau menerbitkan semula hasil karya berkenaan. Pihak penganjur berhak untuk mempamerkan sebarang hasil karya yang menyertai pertandingan ini dalam tempoh 3 bulan semasa pertandingan di langsungkan. Karya boleh di ambil dalam tempoh dua bulan setelah pameran ditamatkan dan segala kos pengangkutan atau lain-lain adalah tanggungan peserta. Karya yang tidak di ambil lebih daripada 6 bulan akan dianggap sebagai hak milik Yayasan Warisan Johor.
8. Keputusan penghakiman adalah muktamad dan sebarang rayuan danbantahan tidak diterima.
9. Yayasan Warisan Johor berhak memilih mana-mana karya tertentu untukdimasukkan dalam sebarang bahan penerbitan rasmi jabatan tanpatertakluk kepada masa dan tempoh dan perlu dimaklumkan kepadapemiliknya.
10. Karya-karya yang menyertai pertandingan ini hendaklah sampai dialamat seperti di bawah sebelum atau selewat-lewatnya pada 15 Oktober 2011, jam 4.00 petang.14
Penghakiman akan selepas tarikh tutup pertandingan iaitu pada 20 Oktober 2011. Keputusan Penghakiman akan diumumkan pada 23 Oktober 2011. Peserta yang berjaya akan dihubungi melalui surat dan telefon. Panel hakim yang dilantik adalah dari artis-artis professional dari bidang-bidang berkaitan.
Majlis bagi penyampaian hadiah bagi setiap peserta ialah pada 29 Oktober2011 jam 2.30 petang, bertempat di Galeri Seni, Yayasan Warisan Johor.
Karya-karya yang berjaya dalam pertandingan akan dipamerkan kepada orang ramai selama 2-3 bulan di Galeri Seni, Yayasan Warisan Johor bermula pada 29 Oktober 2011.17
Hadiah Major
: Hadiah wang tunai RM 6,000.00, Trofi dan Sijil
Hadiah Minor
: Hadiah wang tunai RM 3,000.00, Trofi dan Sijil
4Hadiah Saguhati
: Hadiah wang tunai RM 1,500.00, Trofi dan Sijil
Hadiah Major
: Hadiah wang tunai RM 6,000.00, Trofi dan Sijil
Hadiah Minor
: Hadiah wang tunai RM 3,000.00, Trofi dan Sijil
4Hadiah Saguhati
: Hadiah wang tunai RM 1,500.00, Trofi dan Sijil
Hadiah Major
: Hadiah wang tunai RM 4,000.00, Trofi dan Sijil
Hadiah Minor
: Hadiah wang tunai RM 2,000.00, Trofi dan Sijil
4Hadiah Saguhati
: Hadiah wang tunai RM 1,000.00, Trofi dan Sijil
Hadiah Major
: Hadiah wang tunai RM 1,000.00, Trofi dan Sijil
Hadiah Minor
: Hadiah wang tunai RM 500.00, Trofi dan Sijil
4Hadiah Saguhati
: Hadiah wang tunai RM 100.00, Trofi dan Sijil
Urusetia :Ritma JohorGaleri Seni JohorYayasan Warisan Johor,JKR 144, Jalan Petrie,81100 Johor Bahru,Johor Darul Ta’zim
Tel : 07 – 2263266 / 07 – 2245488 / 07 – 2213148Fax : 07 – 2260728
Email :
Per fare bene qualcosa devi amare farlo. L'idea non è precisamente una novità. L'abbiamo ridotta a cinque parole: "Fai ciò che ami fare". Ma dirlo alle persone non è sufficiente. Fare ciò che ami fare è difficile.
L'idea stessa esula da quanto la maggior parte di noi impara da giovane. Quando ero piccolo, sembrava che lavoro e divertimento fossero contrari per definizione. La vita aveva due stati: per una parte del tempo gli adulti ti facevano fare delle cose, e quello era chiamato lavoro; il resto del tempo potevi fare quello che volevi, e quello era detto giocare. Occasionalmente le cose che ti facevano fare gli adulti erano divertenti, proprio come, occasionalmente, giocare non lo era-- per esempio, quando cadevi e ti facevi male. Ma fatta eccezione per pochi casi anomali, il lavoro era abbastanza ben definito come non-divertimento.
E non sembrava essere un caso. La scuola, implicitamente, era noiosa proprio perché era la preparazione al lavoro da grandi.
Il mondo era diviso in due gruppi, i grandi e i piccoli. I grandi, come una sorta di razza maledetta, dovevano lavorare. I piccoli non dovevano lavorare, ma dovevano andare a scuola, che era una versione diluita del lavoro intesa come preparazione per quello vero. Per quanto non ci piacesse le scuola, i grandi erano tutti d'accordo sul fatto che il lavoro da grandi era peggio, e che noi ce la spassavamo.
Gli insegnanti in particolare sembravano credere implicitamente che il lavoro non fosse divertimento. La qual cosa non è sorprendente: il lavoro non era divertente per la maggior parte di essi. Perché dovevamo imparare a memoria le capitali anziché giocare a palla? Per lo stesso motivo per cui loro dovevano occuparsi di un branco di ragazzini anziché starsene sdraiati su una spiaggia. Semplicemente non potevi fare quello che ti andava.
Non sto dicendo che dovremmo lasciar fare ai ragazzi tutto ciò che vogliono. Può essere necessario far fare loro determinate cose. Ma se facciamo lavorare i ragazzi su cose stupide, sarebbe il caso di spiegare loro che la ripetitività non è propriamente qualità del lavoro, che il motivo per cui lavorano su cose stupide ora è perché possano occuparsi di cose più interessanti in futuro. [1]
Una volta, quando avevo 9 o 10 anni, mio padre mi disse che io avrei potuto essere qualsiasi cosa desiderassi quando sarei stato grande, purché mi fosse piaciuto abbastanza. Lo ricordo particolarmente perché mi sembrò così anomalo. E' come se mi fosse stato detto di usare dell'acqua secca. Qualsiasi cosa ritenni che volesse dire, non pensai che significasse che il lavoro potesse essere letteralmente divertente-- divertente quanto giocare.
Mi servirono anni per afferrare il concetto.
"First romance, first love, is something so special to all of us, both emotionally and physically, that it touches our lives and enriches them forever." - Rosemary Rogers
"First love is a little foolish and a lot of curiosity."- George Bernard Shaw
"The magic of first love is our ignorance that it can never end." - Benjamin Disraeli
"Attention is the most basic form of love; through it we bless and are blessed."
"We love because it's the only true adventure."
"A kiss can be a comma, a question mark, or an exclamation point. That's basic spelling that every woman ought to know."
"At last you kissed me, I could die in waves again, and one good lick of quicksand took...."
"The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart."
"When you love someone, all your saved-up wishes start coming out."
"Paradise is always where love dwells."
"If I know what love is, it is because of you."
"Once in awhile, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale."
"Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness."
"You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly."
"You may only be one person to the world, but you may also be the world to one person."
"A happy marriage has in it all the pleasures of friendships, all the enjoyment of sense and reason - and indeed all the sweets of life.
"A happy man marries the girl he loves; a happier man loves the girl he
"Just because someone doesn't love you in the way you want them to,
doesn't mean that they don't love you with all they've got. "
"For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it. "
"Even a very small degree of hope is enough to cause the birth of love."
"Do not marry a man to reform him. That is what reform schools are for."
"The soul that can speak with its eyes can also kiss with a gaze."
"You're nothing short of my everything."
"There is always some madness in love."
"Thou art to me a delicious torment."
What is Love?
....Romantic love both exhilarates and motivates us. It is also critical to the continuation of our species. Without the attachment of romantic love, we would live in an entirely different society that more closely resembled some (but not all) of those social circles in the animal world. The chemicals that race around in our brain when we're in love serve several purposes, and the primary goal is the continuation of our species. Those chemicals are what make us want to form families and have children. Once we have children, those chemicals change to encourage us to stay together to raise those children. So in a sense, love really is a chemical addiction that occurs to keep us reproducing.
But let's get down to the nitty gritty. What is it that makes us fall in love with someone in the first place?
Qui réchauffe toujours le coeur;
Il nous accueille à la maison
Et il est plus facile de se séparer.
If there was something, and i held too light or tight on it,
Then it’s a shame that now is gone.
How do we know, if we don’t learn?
I am hiding now my tears.
Your name is causing loneliness and sadness
The pain is greater than before,
The pain is reaching to all my senses.
But true love, never dies.
You’ll see it over all the years who will come
And you will recognize it,
When you’ll look me in the eyes.
Remember and bear in your soul and mind,
True love is not to find but gain.
True love will be the two hearts golden chain.
So bear that in your mind!
Don’t break the chain because you’ll break a heart.
I know i hurt you…I know i love you,
And you must know how much i care for you.
I’ve made mistakes and you did too..
Despite of all that happened,
I only value you.
Und traurig, mal gehen wir durch,
Oder einfach nur eine Möglichkeit, Freunde zu sagen,
Sie möchten Sie 'cause you're Sie
Love is not just an emotion people feel toward other people, but also a complex tying together of the emotions that two or a few more people have; it is a special form of emotional interdependence.
Для кого мы действительно заботимся,
С вашей бабушки ближнему твоему,
Или плюшевый мишка.
In any healthy relationship people give to one another in many ways. Sometimes it’s the great gift of time. Other times it’s simply a smile and a hand to hold. And each is getting a gift at the same time. Too often people who have more evolving to do try to keep track of the level of giving in a relationship, and this is destructive.
When someone keeps score in any kind of relationship – friendship, lovers, parent-child, whatever – then that relationship becomes like a business. One has to give to the other before there is any return. And the giving becomes a sales transaction, rather than something to benefit both parties and the relationship overall. This erodes trust. It destroys love.
It’s easy to tell when someone has this mental attitude if there is ever an argument and that person states something like, “Well, I did so much for you at (whatever place, time, etc.).” This is the unhealthy person. That person still needs to evolve as a human being. It could be you. It could be someone you know. That evolution can happen. All it takes is self awareness and a little bit of understanding.
As human beings, when we give freely to someone, out of love and respect, then we are also giving to ourselves. We give the gift of pleasure to ourselves and the gift of self esteem every time we give something to another person. This could be as simple as a smile. Or it could be as complex as sex. Now, of course we don’t want to give sex to just anyone, as that is far too important a gift to give to everyone we meet. It should be special. And in this instance, it should be mutual giving.
A smile is most often mutual giving. If you give it away, you will almost always get one back instantly. When we give love and respect to others, it often returns to us in direct proportion to the level that is has been given. The more we give away, the more we get in return. But it has to be genuine. It has to be freely given.
Expectations in the gift of love devalue it. If a woman starts a relationship with a man and after several months of developing this relationship she expects him to give her money and other gifts because they are sleeping together, then this devalues her love. Eventually he will sense this. And it can kill the love that he was freely giving back to her. Such expectations change the nature of the relationship. Expecting gifts for sex is like conducting business transactions in a bordello. Yes, it might be exclusive. And yes, there could be genuine feelings between the two people. But how is it really any different than being paid for her services?
In our modern world, both men and women have equal earning potential. We have equal nurturing potential. And we have the same capacity for love. And we have the same desires for love, sex, respect, and recognition. We really aren’t all that different, despite genetics. We are the same species. And we need one another.
Mutual giving is the true giving of one another, from the heart, with love and respect, expecting only that the other person receive that great gift of self with the love and respect it is intended upon giving. And if that happens, then the value of that love and giving received in return will be more than any monetary gift can ever be worth.
Es simplemente la manera perfecta de
Para mostrar el amor que sentimos
Pero no puedo encontrar las palabras para decir
Love is a thing shared by two
Love is what you feel for me and you
Love is precious when its shared
Love is danger when its dared
Love wanders and searches for the one
Love plays and just do it for fun
Love lets you hear love songs to emote
Love lets you make sweet poems & a quote
Love makes the world go around
Love makes us happy if the one we love
is finally found
Love turns the world upside down
Love cheers us never with a frown
Love makes you cry
Love sacrifices and says goodbye
Love has its own reason and time
Love can make someone you love "mine"
Love makes a person kiss
Love makes a person miss
Love is experienced by all
Love conquers when you fall.
Da far sentire tutti bene;
In ogni luogo e lingua,
E 'sempre capito
It does not make you a bad person to desire someone else's love, even if they do not love you. However, to truly love someone, you must let them be free. It is selfish to blame them for your feelings.
Special paristot tai osia --
Vain avatkaa aseisiin
Ja avata sydämenne
The children of Adam are limbs of one body
Having been created of one essence.
When the calamity of time afflicts one limb
The other limbs cannot remain at rest.
If you have no sympathy for the troubles of others
You are not worthy to be called by the name of "man."
Because of the complex and abstract nature of love, discourse on love is commonly reduced to a thought-terminating cliché, and there are a number of common proverbs regarding love, from Virgil's "Love conquers all" to the Beatles' "All you need is love." Bertrand Russell describes love as a condition of "absolute value," as opposed to relative value. Philosopher Gottfried Leibniz said that love is "to be delighted by the happiness of another.
Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment.
When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help.
Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said,
"Richness, can you take me with you?"
Richness answered, "No, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you."
Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel. "Vanity, please help me!"
"I can't help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat," Vanity answered.
Sadness was close by so Love asked, "Sadness, let me go with you."
"Oh . . . Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!"
Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her.
Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come, Love, I will take you." It was an elder. So blessed and overjoyed, Love even forgot to ask the elder where they were going. When they arrived at dry land, the elder went her own way. Realizing how much was owed the elder,
Love asked Knowledge, another elder, "Who Helped me?"
"It was Time," Knowledge answered.
"Time?" asked Love. "But why did Time help me?"
Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, "Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is."
But do we really know love? Is the bliss of love, its virgin purity, actually there? No, it's not. At least for most people it isn't. People have lost the value of love; the term "love" has become "who can provide what I need/crave/desire?" It's about gaining. About asking for something.
This has happened since the beginning of the concept of romanticism and especially marriage; in old times, royalties married royalties to prevent warfare, a peasant girl married a worker so she could be provided for, and men married women who had skills in homemaking and child raising.
In basic terms, you had to get something out of it, whether it is a rich man's providing, a woman's body, or a rose every now and then. Even today, your parents won't be too happy if your fianc� has a job as a 7-Eleven store clerk, or if your bride-to-be doesn't want children. Love has to be something that provides for you in one way or another.
What people don't understand is that love provides for itself. Can you recall those first days that you were in love with someone, when the days seemed brighter alone? You wake up and breathe joy. You need nothing because your heart feels full with everything great. There is nothing as exquisite on this planet as loving.
The emotion complex view, which understands love to be a complex emotional attitude towards another person, may initially seem to hold out great promise to overcome the problems of alternative types of views. By articulating the emotional interconnections between persons, it could offer a satisfying account of the “depth” of love without the excesses of the union view and without the overly narrow teleological focus of the robust concern view; and because these emotional interconnections are themselves evaluations, it could offer an understanding of love as simultaneously evaluative, without needing to specify a single formal object of love. However, the devil is in the details.